First pic today is the Capitol Theater and the new practice facility next to the historic theater.
The next 3 pictures are from some mid-block post apocalyptic walkways that are terribly under utilized. These are representative of many 1970s and early 80s downtown makeovers.
Years ago (my hell! it's been 10 years) we went on trip to Los Angeles and stayed downtown for 7 days. Downtown LA were filled with tons of these pedestrian plazas specifically the Westin Bonaventure and the Paul Hastings plaza. Just seems there should be a higher use than deserted concrete,
I cut across the mid-block crosswalk to the Federal Courthouse BORG cube and noticed that they built a crater next to is to serve as a park, The crater is about 50 feet across and about 5 feet deep in the form of a perfect circle. Undoubtedly as a marker for when the mother cube come to assimilate its
From the cusp of the crater I turn around to realized the crater is on the site of the old odd-fellows hall that used to sit where I am currently standing.
So this building was jacked up and moved 180 degrees, Pretty awesome feat IMO.
Video of the building moving.
Fish hook Light fixture... This BORG cube is assimilating people by sucking them through the fish hook brain vacuum thingy.
I really liked this image. All of the shadows being illuminated from reflections, The lighting gradients are fascinating. It felt like I was walking through a solar power generation array.
I like this very symmetric building along 400 South but what intrigued me most was the HUGE bird of paradise on the 3rd floor. The tree is likely 10 feet across and just as tall and simply huge.
Next I walk the 400 South viaduct that goes to the urban island. I've walked hundreds of miles in SLC but I've never walked across this bridge and I soon find out that I won't be in any hurry to do it again.
One complaint I have about SLC is the sorry state of park space on the West Side. This park was built 20 years ago and looks like crap. Something like this would never fly east of State Street.
I've driven this road hundreds of times but what I have never known before now is that this is a highly populated (er, poopulated) overflow area for homeless people. Every single light post is decorated with a pile of human feces and urine. There were a few folks sleeping all along the bridge as well. It seems that when the old viaduct was demolished they got rid of the places where the homeless used to sleep and the homeless just moved up to the top. There was evidence of dozens of people sleeping along the 3 block structure. I'll bet very few even know how many people are sleeping mere feet where thousands of cars pass daily.
A warehouse with ancient automobiles in the back.
Salt Lake Central Hub... Connect to Front Runner train to go to either Provo or Ogden or Blue Line light rail. In the future there will a street car from this station to City Creek and then to 900 East. The street car seems redundant.
I saw this huge warehouse from the freeway a couple of weeks ago that I had never seen before. I'm a big fan of UrbEx and Ic ouldn't believe that I had never noticed this building before. It's hundreds of feet long and has been around for a long time. I've looked at it from the other side because it runs the entire length of the Front Runner platform, but doesn't look nearly as interesting from the east side. The building is now apparently owned by UTA.
Interior shot of the factory through defenestration. I might have to do some research and see what they used to make here...
3.3 miles in 56 minutes...
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